Sonarez Logo Design

It all started with a dream. The very first step in our process was to come up with a name that would relate to our companies mission. As well as a name that would resonate with our customers. After a few months of researching we decided on “Sonarez”. For those of you who don’t know ‘Sognare’ means ‘Dream’ in Italian. We agreed to add the ‘Z’ at the end simply to give it our own urban flavor. The same flavor we’ve displayed in our clothing. After finally having a name we knew the next part was not going to be easy. It was time to come up with a logo that would be the face of our brand. 

          We set out to create something simple, clean, and most importantly to have a meaning behind it. We spent weeks brainstorming and designing. During this process the team agreed that we wanted to make sure three things were included. Our main focus was to incorporate Elevation since our companies mission is to inspire people to “Elevate their dreams”. Another thing we wanted to somehow include was the “S” and the “Z” that would represent the first and last letters of our brand name, “Sognarez”.

          We designed the logo pointing up as our way of including the elevation aspect. I know some people may ask, “Wait what happened to the S and Z though?”. Well if you split the logo in half (shown in the image below) you can see how the left side of the logo represents the S and the right represents the Z. They come together to form the arrowhead like symbol that is the “SonareZ” logo.

        Below you can see the Final product. We decided to share this, because we receive feedback all the time from customers wondering where we got the name and logo from. We agreed to make a contest to hear what some of you think and we had a great time reading everyones guess’. We announced that the closest person will be receiving a gift, but we’ve received so much positive feedback that anyone who uses the promo code "Logo" will receive 20% off their next order! So everyone wins! We appreciate the love and support. We hope you all Continue to follow us on this journey. Sogni 👽 will be landing soon. Stay tuned
